Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sh*t Happens

I was looking back over the self-sabotage post and thinking some more about the topic. I don't like the word "failure", that makes it sound so final. I guess I would prefer "unsuccessful attempt", and the most important part of that would be that it NOT be the last attempt. THAT would be failure. The fact that you don't succeed isn't what makes it a failure; it is if you don't get right back up and try again that makes it a failure.

So why, since I failed in this one endeavor, do I immediately wonder if I sabotaged my own efforts? Sh*t happens to everyone. This time it happened to me. Accept and move on. Try again. And so begins another round.... ::ding,ding,ding:: goes the fighting bell ringer

Vomit, Vomit Everywhere

There are some sickies in my household and there is nothing to compare to the wafting scent of vomit. I'm hoping that it's just upset tummies and not a bug that we all are going to end up having.

Mmm, when's dinner? ::gag:: Fish, anyone? Sorry, bad pun re this post following the ichthus post, haha. I'm going for the easy jokes to try to keep from joining in on the projectile vomiting. Distraction is key.

Ichthus, Ichthus Everywhere

I've written before about an observation of bumper stickers or decals people have felt compelled to display. Last week I saw another one: two larger ichthus and then three smaller ones around it, like a school of fish. I was trying to decide if it was supposed to express a love for the ocean and its inhabitants (some people like dolphins better but to each their own and/or maybe they couldn't find dolphins), someone bought a used car with one already on there and was trying to make the best of it and/or be humorous, or if that was supposed to represent the family composition (two adults, three children).

I have no other comment to make about the display. I just find it interesting while sitting in traffic to see what people have put on their cars.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Sometimes I wonder if I am sabotaging myself, if the unspoken (and the spoken) messages I received as a child are culminating in self-fulfilling prophecies. I was told that I didn't deserve anything nice and so I have to prove them right, even though it's probably subconscious on my part now.

When things are going well, eventually I start to wonder how long it's going to last. It's as if I expect things to deteriorate. I wonder if I'm subconsciously fulfilling that belief that I don't deserve anything good in my life.

Sometimes(most of the time) I tend to lose sight of the fact that it's only if I don't try that I will never fall or never fail to do something. So when I put myself out there and take a risk, it is a given (as much as I don't want to admit it) that I might not accomplish that goal in the time frame I wanted. Of course, eventually I will get there unless I decide that goal isn't going to fit into my life anymore but I'm not exactly a patient person with myself.

I don't know that this is the most coherent post I've ever written, but that's what has been on my mind lately.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I've Been Writing but Haven't Posted It

I've been writing, but I don't think it's worthy of being posted so I haven't shared it.

It's spring! Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Does the Local Box Store Carry Gas Masks?

I am being gassed out of my home by our dog.

Poot power!
