Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I've Been Writing but Haven't Posted It

I've been writing, but I don't think it's worthy of being posted so I haven't shared it.

It's spring! Enjoy!


Enola said...

This blog is for you, right? So why does it matter what anyone else thinks of your writing? Throw it out here anyway. We'll read it!

Kahless said...

What makes a post worthy? Or are you just plain teasing us :-)

Angel said...

lol Okay, I will give it one more day to see if it gets any better. If it doesn't get any better, I'll post it anyway and please remember--you asked for it! :)

Fire Byrd said...

Excuse me but are we all literary giants round here, that our writing is so superior... I don't think so.
Get it out there girl, it's not our job to judge.
You write what you need, when you need and put it out if you want others to see it, not to give you marks out of 10!