Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful Sentiments

I try not to let moments of thanksgiving pass me by just because it isn't that one day a year called "Thanksgiving Day" so here is an except of what I am thankful for:

-I am thankful for my spouse and children. I am blessed and know it. I try to remember to tell them regularly.

- I am thankful for my job. It has been gruelling and difficult at times, but I am grateful to have a job at all in these uncertain times.

-I am thankful for a lot of things in my life, a lot of people in my life. There are too many to go into here. When I have "down" days I remind myself of all the things I should be thankful for. It does help.

1 comment:

Kahless said...

Its nice to hear what you are thankful for.

Hope you had a good thanksgiving.