Friday, October 24, 2008

Latest Skirmish in The Cat War

I've mentioned the cat we have who thinks she is a kitten and wants to nurse on whatever body part is closest (but only on me, not on anyone else in the house). Apparently I am not the only one who finds her annoying.

Our first cat has been being bothered by this cat, who I'll call Baby. Baby, despite her babyish habit, is a big cat. She dwarfs First cat. First cat has been unhappily trying to ignore Baby. Baby has attached herself to me to the point that she has to (according to her) accompany me to the bathroom.

Today First decided to make her move. She trotted into the bathroom (where I was), rubbed against my leg as if to claim me, and then trotted out before Baby could decide what to do about the intrusion. Hoo ya!


Ethereal Highway said...

Aw. They are competing for their human mommy, now.
They sound cute.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You asked about the picture of my was taken in Norway this summer when he visited there.

Love your story....funny! I will keep "checking in" with you!

Kahless said...

Our dogs compete for our attention.
Quite cute really.