Friday, June 20, 2008

Does It Fit Anymore?

I've been wondering why the recent angst about my mother. It finally dawned on me that there have been a lot of changes in my life in the past year or so and I am trying to put things in their proper place in my "new" life as it develops. The shallow relationship I've had with her isn't fitting easily into my life anymore, if it ever really did. It's like an old pair of pants that used to fit okay but doesn't anymore and yet you can't quite bring yourself to part with them.


Kahless said...

Good insight to realise.

Fire Byrd said...

have just read your comment to mine on the last thread. sounds as if enola's suggestion would be the way forward right now.... divorce your mother, why put up with it.
You wouldn't stay around partners or friends that dragged you down all the time, so why do it with her?

Kim said...

BOY can I relate to this one!! I wonder if I'd have any relationship at all with my mother anymore if not for my DD. I detest "casual" relationships yet my relationship with my mother is little more than "fluff". I can't talk to her about anything. It's so frustrating.