Thursday, February 21, 2008

It Was Colonel Mustard in the Kitchen

In a household of multiple animals, there is the occasional incident for which we cannot determine the exact culprit. For example, say a garbage bag was accidentally left overnight in the kitchen and the contents have been strewn across the floor. Having a cat who is not picky about food or entertainment, we often don't know if it's a feline or canine culprit or if it was a combination of the two species working together (although the odds of that happening are quite slim).

Today, however, there were clues.

There was the trail of shredded lettuce leading back to the dog bed.

There were the Doritos hidden under her blankie. I had thrown away a half-full bag of stale ones, which is apparently like gold in the animal kingdom. Not being your average bear, she had grabbed the entire bag and had known enough to hide them --but the telltale bulge under the blankie gave away the hidden contraband.

But the most damning piece of evidence, and the one I wish I had a photo of, was the big glob of condiment on the bridge of her canine nose, just scant millimeters beyond where she could reach it with her tongue.



Enola said...

That's hilarious. You just know she thought she had gotten away with it!

Kahless said...

Oh this is so simlar to what happened last night with my dog, which I will post later.
Animals are funny!